Aluminum Bottle Increases Profit

Aluminum bottles are the future for the world beverage packaging industry. The use of these bottles has shown to increase profits for companies. Sales data has proven that customers are attracted to the new look of the aluminum bottle. Companies are continuing to test and produce the aluminum bottle worldwide while many more companies are considering the idea of using the bottle for some of their own brands. Most of the testing is being conducted overseas and showing excellent results, which could potentially interest the world beverage packaging market. Not only is the look of the bottle important, but so is its environmental impact. Recyclability of the aluminum bottle is another key reason why companies are making the switch. With a growing environmental concern, many major beverage companies are increasing the number of products packaged in the aluminum bottle throughout the world.

The aluminum bottle has many benefits, cost-wise and environmentally, and is considered the future of packaging for the world beverage industry. There are four main points that demonstrate this claim. First, a new aluminum bottle design will most likely appeal to customers and increase sales. Second, the technology used to produce the aluminum bottle has proven strong. Third, aluminum is highly recyclable, which has enticed many companies to use this material. The fourth and final point discussed is the challenges companies could potentially face in the future. All of these claims will be discussed, but first, a brief description of aluminum’s history will be viewed.

Aluminum Bottle Increases Profit

A common goal that all companies share is finding strategies of increasing profit. The new shape of the aluminum bottle is producing such results. Companies currently using this strategy are seeing increases in sales after introducing the aluminum bottle or changing their current package to aluminum. This helps to show that the consumer is willing to pay extra, which will help cover the cost associated with production. The new aluminum bottle will help increase brand identity with company product lines, which discusses the first claim.

New Look Attracts Customers

All packaging has the potential to sell a product. When a customer goes into a store they will often check out the new package of the product they want to purchase. Not only does new packaging make customers curious about the package, the customers find out that the new package provides greater functionality than the previous package. One example is when the Coca-Cola . Corporation developed and introduced the Fridge Pack (Roskelly, 2002). This modified package allows a case to easily fit inside of a refrigerator. It’s more functional than the traditional packaging because it saves space. This relates back to the aluminum bottle because companies, and customers, have seen how it is a unique package and made the switch.

Technology Here For Aluminum Bottle

Many major beverage companies are testing the aluminum bottle.  The abundance of the companies investigating the bottle’s potential should be enough to show those who have little interest to further pursue the development of the package. If major companies are testing the aluminum bottle as a potential package for some of their product lines, it could potentially start a major packaging revolution for all beverage lines. The companies could base their potential profitability after the success of other companies currently using the aluminum bottle for their product lines. Companies are testing the aluminum bottle worldwide, and the success companies are seeing currently in the world and in other markets overseas in Japan and Europe, prove the innovation needed to succeed in the future. These innovative companies are leading the way for the rest of the beverage industry to the future of bottling.

Aluminum Bottle Is 100% Recyclable

The world is a bit behind in designing and implementing environmentally safe product packaging. However, with increasing populations, the time has come to find alternative materials. Landfills are overfilled with garbage, which doesn’t leave any space for new waste. Other counties the in world, such as Japan and European countries, are leading the way because there is much less room for waste in these countries. Companies have much to gain in changing their manufacturing lines to develop more earth-friendly packaging.

Challenges For The Future

The aluminum bottle has two challenges for the future. First, in order for continual production, companies must see increasing sales over time to prove consumer demand. Second, they need to determine strategies in order to create a successful introduction on to store shelves. Companies have to implement the technology and put the aluminum bottle on the shelf in order to spur the success for the aluminum bottle trend.


The aluminum bottle is gaining popularity around the world. Using the bottle has many advantages in the world beverage industry.  It increases sales; appeals to the newer and loyal customers; and has a 100 percent recycling ability. This package will revolutionize beverage packaging. The aluminum bottle has already been implemented into many beverage lines around the world; for many companies have seen its success. Consumers are also willing to pay extra for a unique and functional package. This concept is relatively new to the beverage industry and the average total cost will go down as the consumer market expands. Even though questions linger about the long-term success of aluminum bottles, the successes of companies who are currently using the aluminum bottle prove that this is will be a popular trend in packaging.

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