Aluminum Bottle for Mainstream Beverage Use

For about a decade, aluminum bottles for beverages have beckoned to brand marketers, the package’s eye-catching, silver surface and shaping opportunities providing a powerful brand differentiator. But the cost has been less than attractive to those requiring high volumes. Premium, short-run niche-market products and limited-edition promotional packages have made up the bulk of aluminum beverage-bottle applications so far.

To address these challenges, the Aluminum Packaging has invested 15 years and many millions of dollars to engineer a new manufacturing process that allows for the production of aluminum bottles that weigh 30% to 40% less than cans by substantially faster line speeds.

These new benefits build upon aluminum’s existing strengths as a beverage package. Among them, he cites aluminum’s “superior barrier properties, break-resistance, and UV protection. In terms of sustainability, aluminum bottles are the most desirable product in the recycling stream, as the use of recycled aluminum requires only 5 percent of the energy required to manufacture virgin aluminum.

Among the markets in which we see the greatest potential for aluminum packaging are wine, functional or wellness beverages, water, carbonated soft drinks, and beer.

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